Off Site Events & Team Building
Personalized on site painting at your location with your team(s)
Multiple items to choose from including tiles, figures, ornaments and dishes
Pre-plan your event with a themed item(s)
We cannot serve alcohol at your location, but you can! Another great addition to a fun event
Team Paint
Breaking down into groups of 5-10, each team member spends 1 minute learning about each member of their group. That member writes their name on the bottom of the mug and passes it around for each team member to paint on their mug for 5 minutes. Voila! Paint what you've learned!
Legacy Tile Wall
Let the kiddos paint 4x4 or 6x6 inch tiles for your memorial wall to commemorate your school, a graduating class, or as an auction project.
Art Week, Best Time This Year, or Family Fun Night
4x4 and 6x6 tiles available to paint for any and all occasions.
Ornament Projects
Great for community building, family fun night, or group get togethers.
Need Ideas?
Just email CreativelyYoursBellevue@outlook.com with what's on your mind and the best way to reach you. We respond quickly and spots are filling up fast so contact us soon!